Dr. David McLean Dr. David MacLean, is a psychiatrist and director of the Family Court Clinic at the Royal Ottawa Hospital He is also famous for fabricating evidence and is what is known as "A Hired Pen" The "Family Court Clinic" is a name for the CAS Stooges who write what ever CAS want to see. If you have been a victim of Dr. David MacLean send a copy of the assessment to or call (613) 366-7580
The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa v. M.M.., 2012 ONSC 3529 You can comment online regarding Dr. David McLean at
Stopcas aims to replace the 48 Ontario Private Corporations with an Ontario Government Department of Child Protection.
The Ottawa Children's Aid Society is notorious for workers and lawyers fabricating evidence. Never underestimate the power of the Children's Aid Society. They have more power than a police officer and they abuse that power with impunity and immunity.
If you have just come into contact with, or have a concern regarding the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa send an email to or Call Local Ottawa Number