STOPCAS.CA (613) 366-7580




A screen shot from the Ottawa CAS website.


              Take a look at how Barbara Mackinnon of the Ottawa Chilren's Aid Society believes she is above the law CFSA s. 45(8)


"Society's most vulnerable and need to be protected from the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa"

Today, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Word is that CAS are short of kids for their supervised access program. That means the CAS will make efforts to have "Supervision Orders" for "access to be supervised at the discretion of the Children's Aid Society" 

Read- Jail guard like characters use jail like visiting rooms where Child and Youth Workers are employed. If they don't apprehend kids and or get orders for "supervision" the place would grind to hault. That never happens. The CAS keep on fabricating evidence to justify their own payrolls.

Absolute power leads to abuse of power.


Children at Risk of Harm from  Corrrupt Children's Aid Society of Ottawa

Parents of children in care at the Corrupt Children's Aid Society of Ottawa regularly report that their child is being abused in foster homes.

Foster parents are carefully selected for their demonstrated loyalty to the CAS which means, fabricating evidence, and or omitting evidence and or failing to report to the society abuse that they have observed and or failing to report abuse.

The gravest risk to children is by workers who fabricate evidence and who turns a blind eye to child abuse and fabrication of evidence. If you have a child in care, make sure you find out who the supervisor is.

Children's Aid Society of Ottawa - Staff directory, (under construction)


please send an email to

. - See CAS NEWS 


Their address is 1602 Telesat Court, Gloucester, Ontario K1B 1B1 Tel (613) 747-7800



The Ottawa Children's Aid Society operates in secrecy.

Their hired guns include "Dr. David McLean", Lawyer Cheryl Hess

Ottawa has at least FOUR former CAS lawyers  now Judges hearing CAS Cases involving their old employer and their former workmates.


Justice Jennifer McKinnon Former CAS Lawyer

Justice Jennifer Belishen Former Ottawa CAS Lawyer

Justice Heidi Polowin Former Ottawa CAS Lead Lawyer

Justice Timothy Minnema  Former CAS Lawyer

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has a select group of judges who "Rubber Stamp" almost any decision requested by the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa.

They virtually run the Court House with access to almost anyone who works there who will do almost anything they ask including "judge shopping" in the rare event they actually end up with a judge who they know will not be an easy touch.

Then there are the "justices of the peace", another group, who are under the control of the CAS and who rubber stamp almost anything the CAS request. It is almost unheard of for a JP to refuse a request from a CAS worker  and a very large number of those warrents turn out to be based on fabricated evidence.  That's right, most apprehensions start with a CAS JP issuing a warrent based on fabricated evidence and it's common knowledge that JP's just "trust the CAS".

(more names coming - site under construction, send us your suggestions)


Children needlessly snatched from their parents often only get to see their parents on one or two brief visits for up to seveal years before CAS removes themselves.These supervised access visits are part of the 75 Million Dollars the CAS Ottawa recieves to abuse parents and children.

"Senior lawyers in Ottawa call them "The Gestapo" 

 These are the rooms where some CAS staff torture parents writing endless notes, often works of fiction on what the parents did or did not do. These notes are then copied, scanned at such a poor resolution, that the document becomes almost unreadale if its copied once more. Unless of course CAS wish to use it as evidence to the court. All part of the dirty tricks played by Ottawa CAS


Note: The Ottawa Children's Aid Society directly employ around 300 people and many more indirectly on contracts that can range from cleaners, teachers to occassional court filers. Most of these staff have no direct effect on Child Protection as it is called.

Rule 1. Never have any conversation with a CYC worker. Anything you say will most probably take priority in their notes and what they write could be what the Child Protection Worker or his or her supervisor "wants to see" to hide their own dirty deeds.


Working for a Cult like criminal organization can be tough. The staff at the Ottawa CAS constantly change. Anyone they don't like gets terminated or leaves.

If you meet  a former CAS employee, have some empathy for what they have to go though.

If you have to meet anyone from the CAS, make sure you ask the worker for their card, please scan the card in jpg and send us a copy .

or Call Local Ottawa Number  (613) 366-7580





